I’ll start with a basic summary of the play; Henry the Fifth, aka Henry V, invades France. Now for an extended summary Henry V is persuaded that he has a legitimate claim to the French throne, and after receiving a ‘gift’ of tennis balls uses it as an excuse to invade. After catching three traitors Henry V and his army heads to France, while France prepare their armies.
After the battle at Harfleur the town surrenders, however the English army is low in morale, and is growing weak, yet Henry marches on Calais where is path is blocked by the rest of the French army. This leads to the battle of Agincourt, that takes place in deep rain, which is amazingly won by the English, making way for a peace treaty to be signed up and for Henry to win the French princess; Katherine.
Rainbow Theatre have been putting on open air Shakespeare since 1998, and have always done a fantastic job of them, this year was no exception! Simply put, despite the fairly epic rain, and I mean epic, the show went on and almost all the audience stayed sitting out side as testimony to the magic that these actors and actresses created on stage.
Next week they will be putting on Loves Labours Lost at Highdown, there are normally tickets on the doors which open at 18:00 for a 19:30 start. I shall be there on Thursday!
Post changelog
- 2020-05-17 – Remove old insecure image references, hotlinks, etc
- 2020-05-17 – Decouple gulp from SCSS generation
- 2018-12-24 – Generate (but not use yet) RWD images
- 2018-09-01 – Importing all the old blog posts