Today I finally got around to making a small, but really important tweak to the design of this site! The navigation for the desktop design now actually looks like navigation! One of the more helpful bits of feedback I received about this new design was that the menu strip across the top of each page looked more like a design element than an actual method of navigating around this site. Basically it looked good, but didn't look as if you could do anything with it.
With a spare thirty minutes I found this fantastic set of icons; Icons 8 released under a Creative Commons license by Visual Pharm. Currently there are 850 different icons all available for download, and the number of icons increases each day!
As a cunning means of encouraging new client to hire them, Visual Pharm release three new icons each day as requested by users. This means that this pack keeps on growing and more and more people see the kind of work that they do!
Normally these icon packs come as basic JPG or PNG files which means that the resolution you can use them at is limited, however to make this icon set even better these icons are not just JPG or PNG files, but vector graphics as too!
If you are looking for an icon pack I would recommend checking these guys out!
Post changelog
- 2022-01-08 – Add Mix, Ditch NodeSASS
- 2020-05-17 – Decouple gulp from SCSS generation
- 2018-12-24 – Generate (but not use yet) RWD images
- 2018-09-01 – Importing all the old blog posts