A Song of Ice and Fire boxed

Monday, 10 June 2013

Over the last two weeks I've been signed off work to give some time and space for my collar boon to start healing. This has given me two weeks worth of free time where I was forbidden from working, and two weeks were I couldn't really use my right arm, and I certainly wasn't allowed on my bike. A significant part of that time was given over to push on with my reading list. In the time I got through the auto-biog of Anna Smith, read the Great Gatsby, Cloud Atlas and made very good progress with the first of the Song of Ice and Fire books - A Game of Thrones.

Today I've extended the reading list after picking up a large box sets with the rest of the books that have been written so far in the series. Seven in total, each around 750 pages long. I think that I'm going to be reading them for quite a long time to come! I just need to work out how they fit into the reading list, and my limited shelf space!

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