The reading list

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

My reading list was something that stayed in my head. It tended to be more of a wish list, rather than an actual plan to get through books. I would hold onto about five or six books in my head, however would be fairly happy to change and reorder it as memories of books that had been on the list longer than was helpful faded or as a new book was exuberantly recommended to me.

However after reading an interesting Lifehacker article entitled 'My secret to reading a lot of books' I've written down a list. I've started simply by just creating a list of the books that are on my shelf that have sat there unread. They have been bought with good intentions, given as a present, or some I have borrowed and I just haven't quite gotten around to reading yet.

I figured that placing those kind of limitations would produce a short manageable list. 19 books later it turns out that I have a long list of books to get through!

On the go at the moment is Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman which has been sitting on my shelf since the BBC did a fantastic dramatisation of it a couple of month ago. The Game of Thrones books obviously make a big appearance after I bought a box set last week and there final two thirds of the Comic Trilogy by C. S. Lewis which I borrowed of a friend back in July last year which I really need to give back soon.

I'll let you know how I get on!

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