Every Sunday, seven year-old James came home from church with a new memory verse. Each week it would be a different passage from the Bible lesson that I had to go home and for the next week get into my head word perfect for the next Sunday.
I can’t remember the last time someone asked or told me to commit a passage of scripture to memory.
But, even now, over 20 years later many of those passages are still bouncing around my head. Verses like the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6, “For God so loved…” (John 3v16), or verses like “man looks on the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart” (1 Samuel 16v7). These passages and many more come to mind in so many different situations; in prayer, in evangelism, as I better to see people more in the way that Christ sees them.
Over the last few months I’ve been working with John Raftery on a project that he brought to Kingdom Code BUILD called BibleTrainer. The idea behind it is simple - BibleTrainer wants to train you to let the word of Christ dwell in you richly. It’s a mobile app (iOS and Android) and with daily use BibleTrainer can help you commit passages of scripture, even whole chapters and books, to memory. You can either look up the passages you want to commit, or go through the suggests passages library and pull in Bible verses on topics like grace, trust, evangelism, purity, salvation and many more.
A few years ago John Piper wrote a really helpful article on why memorising scripture is valuable. His sixth point continues to jump out at me; by committing God’s word to our hearts we experience greater communion with God and a deeper enjoyment with Him. In the Bible we see more of who God is and more of his character, as we memorise more on the way He acts. As we see, and put more of these truths in our hearts, so our hearts will warm to his character. You should read the full article!
BibleTrainer exists to help you to plant God’s word deep in your heart. We have a lot more ideas for it, there are many additions planned over the coming months. It’s free, download it, give it ago. Work on putting a passage in your heart. Try Psalm One for a week (it’s great with emoji mode too).
Post changelog
- 2022-01-13 – Tidy up a number of blog posts for tags
- 2020-05-17 – Decouple gulp from SCSS generation