Grouping blog posts by year in Eleventy

Tuesday, 26 January 2021

It’s been on my list to get a good archive page of blog posts for a while, [1] more than just simple pagination where you have to click though posts in groups of six at a time… Instead grouped by the year they were published. I had a hunch that that 11ty’s pagination tool would help me out, I just hadn’t worked it out until this weekend…

Skip the rest of the intro and take me to the code

More preamble

The pagination tool is really clever because you can paginate pretty much any data format that Eleventy can consume. [2] For example, if you have a JSON file containing a list of people, you can paginate that file and turn out a page for each author. And with that you can also paginate over a collection. A collection is 11ty’s way of grouping data together - all the blog posts on this site exist in markdown, but are grouped together in the collection posts (see the code). The pagination can loop through this and chunk them into groups. However, while you can manipulate the data as the pagination is being performed, it doesn’t do the grouping by year which is what we need.

To get the grouping by year we first need to create a new collection of data that structured by year, and then pass that to pagination. What we’re aiming for is something like:

  [2021]: [{post-one}, {post-two}],
  [2020]: [{post-one}, {post-two}, {post-three}]
  [2019]: [{post-one}]

Warning - there are horrible things ahead with array keys…

The implementation

First we’re going to need to create a new collection grouped by year. To keep my .eleventy.js clean I’ve extracted this into a new file called collections.js:

const dayjs = require("dayjs");

// This is a little bit over engineered, but I _may_ want to filter by more than just year later down the line…
function getByDate(collection, dateFormat) {
  let postsByDate = {};
  // Update this to point to where you want to get your posts from:
  let posts = collection.getFilteredByGlob(["./src/blog/**/*.md"]);
  posts.forEach(function (post) {
    // Get the year from the date
    let d = dayjs(;
    // Create a new array key with the year
    if (!postsByDate[d]) {
      postsByDate[d] = new Array();
    // Add the post to the year array key
  return postsByDate;

// Create the new collection
exports.postsByYear = (collection) => {
  return getByDate(collection, "YYYY");

In your .eleventy.js file you can then loop through the collections exported from the collections.js file and addCollection:

const collections = require("./collections.js");
module.exports = function (eleventyConfig) {
  Object.keys(collections).forEach((collectionName) => {
    eleventyConfig.addCollection(collectionName, collections[collectionName]);

The result will be that Eleventy now has the collection collection.postsByYear.

With this done, you can jump into the frontmatter in one of your template files and add the following keys:

title: Blog
permalink: "blog/{% if pagination.pageNumber > 0 %}{{ posts }}/{% endif %}index.html"
  data: collections.postsByYear
  size: 1
  alias: posts
  reverse: true

The important thing to notice here is that the size of the pagination is set to 1 - or in English - one page for each year. We’re also re-writing the permalink to create a url of /blog/####/index.html.

Now, in the body of the template we can loop through postsByYear collection, based on the year set by the pagination:

  {% for post in collections.postsByYear[posts] | reverse %}
    <a href="{{ post.url }}">{{ }}</a>
  {% endfor %}

Add some pagination navigation to the bottom of your template. And you’ve got an archive-by-year page from a collection in Eleventy.

You can see it in action at the bottom of the Thoughts listing and the related commit on Github.


  1. This item has been on my todo list for this site since I moved this site across to Eleventy in August 2018… It’s good to have another one ticked off the list! ↩︎

  2. There is so much you can do with data and pagination, it’s really clever. ↩︎

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